After earning her bachelors degree at the University of Oregon, Dr. La Force attended the United States oldest Naturopathic college of the 7 accredited Naturopathic Medical Schools in North America, the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM). Here naturopathic doctors are trained as Primary Care Physicians (PCP). Upon graduating, Dr. La Force passed the NPLEX, the national licensing exam, and obtained her license in Connecticut, where she practiced as a PCP.
Licensed naturopathic doctors are educated in basic sciences: anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, immunology, embryology, microbiology, pathology, and clinical diagnosis, as well as modalities including pharmacology, minor surgery (think skin tag removal or wound care), gynecology, phlebotomy, IV therapy, herbal medicine, homeopathy, clinical nutrition, holistic counseling, hydrotherapy, environmental medicine, physical manipulation (Chiropractic). Licensed ND's have over 1500 hours of supervised clinical training.​​
Currently, naturopathic physicians are licensed in 22 states and 5 provinces. Wisconsin is not one of them. Dr. La Force holds a license in CT. In Wisconsin, Dr. La Force is not licensed to diagnose or treat any condition. Please see your current licensed healthcare provider before changing your current healthcare regime.
Please contact your state legislators if you would like to increase access to naturopathic medicine in Wisconsin by licensing naturopathic physicians.